And I Walk............
Movie: Into The Wild
My Take: One of the Best Biographic films ever made.
My Rating: 9/10
Beautiful, deep, real, adventurous, moving and perfect.
Sean Penn waited 10 years to make the film to make sure he had the approval from the McCandless family (the film is a biography of Chris McCandless). Is the wait worth it ?? I completely think so. He made a timeless masterpiece. You can clearly see his dedication for this work by the way he shot the movie, his writing and his selection of actors. Easily Sean Penn's best work. Its exclusion from the Oscars in the best film category is a total surprise.
First of all the plot is the hero of the movie. A well chosen subject adding to it some excellent dialogue writing makes you feel for it. Emile Hirsh gave a riveting performance as a teenage boy who is driven, industrious and at times ambitious. He completely owned the role and makes you love it. Holbrook is exceptional as old Ron. Rest of the cast is good too. All the characterisations and the relationships are lively. Narration is top notch. Narration from Chris, gives you a clear picture of his perception of life and supports his decisions and then the narration from his sister gives you the idea about his past and circumstances that made him the way he is. Edde Vedder gave some beautiful soundtracks which make you sink into the movie completely.
The movie deals with a psychological debate over the true meaning of life, relationships and happiness. It deals with the very questions that everyone asks oneself at some point of their life and Chris's search for the answers to them. The movie will haunt you for some days for sure. There are some scenes in this movie that you will never be able to forget. particularly the last scene and the scene where Chris leaves Ron were extra-ordinary. Overall the movie is a must-watch for its reality, script, performances and all the scenic beauty in it.